Strawberry Greek Yogurt Parfait

Whenever I am making breakfast, my first thought is always: PROTEIN. I base every breakfast around my protein source because I know, if I don’t get enough protein in at breakfast, my energy level throughout the day are is all over the place. Great breakfast proteins include eggs, sausage, ham, cheese, protein powder, chocolate milk, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese. I especially love greek yogurt and cottage cheese because you don’t actually need to cook anything for breakfast. Just scoop and dump it into a bowl! This strawberry greek yogurt parfait is extra high in protein because it includes BOTH greek yogurt and cottage cheese for a whopping 26 grams of protein!

Servings: 1 | Total Cook Time: 3 minutes


  • 1 cup (8 ounces strawberry greek yogurt)

  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese

  • 1 cup strawberries (4-6 depending on their size)

  • 2 tbsp walnuts

  • 2 tbsp slivered almonds


  1. Add greek yogurt and cottage cheese to a bowl

  2. Slice strawberries and add to the bowl

  3. Top with walnuts and almonds, and enjoy!

This recipe is VERY simple, and great for those mornings when you need a quick breakfast before you race out the door! You can absolutely make this in a Tupperware container and eat it when you get to work in the morning too! I recommend waiting to add the walnuts and almonds until you’re ready to eat (or within an hour of eating it) so they don’t get too stale or soggy.

If you are not a fan of strawberry yogurt, you can use plain, vanilla, whatever flavor you like, and then feel free to change up the fruit pieces too. Blueberries, bananas, apples, and kiwis are some of my other favorite parfait toppings!


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